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State Graduate Funding


Programme description

The state-funded scholarships of the Landesgraduiertenförderung are awarded to highly qualified junior scientists and researchers looking to pursue a doctoral degree. The universities are responsible for awarding scholarships in accordance with the State Law on Graduate Funding (LGFG).

The scholarships amount to 1300€ per month (including an allowance for materials and travel expenses). Scholarship recipients with one child receive an additional 160€ per month, whereas those with two or more children receive an additional 210€ per month.

For more information, please see here.


Fachkommission LGFG

Members of the Fachkommission at the Faculty of Medicine (01.10.2021 to 30.09.2023):

  • Jun.-Prof. Kierdorf (deputy Prof. Kraft)
  • Prof. Letzkus (deputy Prof. Nelson)
  • Prof. Pahl (deputy Prof. Zeiser)
  • Prof. Schwemmle (deputy Prof. Kochs)
  • Prof. Loop (deputy PD Dr. Gkika)