
Prof. Dr.
Johannes Letzkus
Institute of PhysiologyDepartment of Physiology I
Tel.: 0049-761-203-67312
- 2008 Ph.D. in Medial Sciences at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
- 2007-2013 Postdoctoral Fellow and Independent SNSF Ambizione Investigator at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland
- 2013 ERC Starting Grant, Pfizer Prize, Frutiger Foundation University Prize
- 2013-2020 Max-Planck Research Group Leader at the MPI for Brain Research, Frankfurt/Main
- Seit 2020 DFG Heisenberg Professorship at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg
Focus of research
- Neuronal Circuits underlying memory and attention
- Foundations of (mal)adaptive fear memory in neocortex
- The neocortical inhibitory system in rodents and humans
Selected publications
- Pardi MB, Vogenstahl J, Dalmay T, Spano T, Pu D, Naumann LB, Sprekeler H, Letzkus JJ.
A thalamo-cortical top-down circuit for associative memory. Science. 2020. 370. 844-848. - Dalmay T, Abs E, Poorthuis RB, Hartung J, Pu D, Onasch S, Lozano YR, Signoret-Genest J, Tovote P, Gjorgjieva J, Letzkus JJ.
A critical role for neocortical processing of threat memory. Neuron. 2019. 104. 1180-1194. - Abs E, Poorthuis RB, Apelblat D, Muhammad K, Pardi MB, Enke L, Kushinsky D, Pu D, Eizinger MF, Conzelmann K-K, Spiegel I, Letzkus JJ.
Learning-related plasticity in dendrite-targeting layer 1 interneurons. Neuron. 2018. 100. 684-699. - Poorthuis RB, Muhammad K, Wang M, Verhoog MB, Junek S, Wrana A, Mansvelder HD, Letzkus JJ.
Rapid Neuromodulation of Layer 1 Interneurons in Human Neocortex. Cell Reports. 2018. 23. 951-958.
Research methods
- 2-photon calcium imaging of neurons and subcellular structures during behavior
- Novel transgenic mouse lines for selective targeting of identified neuron types
- Electrophysiology of identified neuron types in human neocortex