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Publishing in Medicine

General Information

Since 2019, publications by authors from the Faculty of Medicine that are relevant to LOM or bonus funds are documented/recorded centrally in FreiDok plus. At the beginning of each year, heads of all eligible institutions/departments and their respective publication officers will receive a list containing all centrally documented publications of their institution in the prior calendar year for inspection.

Updated information regarding the calculation of the Abteilungs-impact factor (AIF, i.e. a score calculated by the sum of impact factors allocated to each department/institute based on its publications in a particular year)

Until recently, the latest Journal Impact Factors published by Clarivate Analytics in its yearly Journal Citation Reports have been used to calculate the AIFs of eligible institutes/departments of the Faculty of Medicine each year. Efforts to identify an alternative to the Journal Impact Factor are ongoing and in the interim, the faculty board has passed a moratorium stating the use of the 2020 Journal Impact Factors in the calculation of the current AIF.

Binding Rules for the Statement of Author Affiliations in Publications

In order to be able to present the complete research output of the Faculty of Medicine in rankings, the Faculty of Medicine is striving to standardise the statement of author affiliations in publications. Further information can be found in the dean's letter of 08.04.2016 here (internal access only) or by.

An overview of the institutes, clinics and facilities of the Faculty of Medicine and the Medical Center - University of Freiburg can be found here.

The English names of the departments and clinics can be found here (internal access only or by).

FAQs on Publication Recording Using FreiDok plus

At the beginning of each year, heads of eligible institutions/departments and their publication officers will receive a list of all centrally documented publications of their institution in the prior calendar year for inspection. If you have any questions, you may find the answer in the following FAQs:

  • FAQs on publication recording using FreiDok plus available here (in German, internal access only or by )

Information Event on Publication Recording Using FreiDok plus 

On 11.09.2019, an information event on the changes to publication recording, "From the research database to FreiDok plus", took place.

This event provided information on the procedure for recording publications using University of Freiburg's repository, FreiDok plus, which replaced the previously used 'Forschungsdatenbank' and will be used to calculate publication output from 2019 onwards.

The presentations of the event are available for download (internal access only or by ):

  • The lecture on "FreiDok plus - The scientific information system of the University of Freiburg" by Dr Antje Kellersohn can be found here.

  • The lecture on "Information event on publication acquisition using FreiDok plus" by Prof. Hartmut Hengel can be found here.

  • The lecture "Central publication research and workflow" by Edith Motschall can be found here.

  • The lecture "FreiDok plus - Institution-specific publication lists" by Martin Helfer can be found here.


General Information

Open Access

Information on Open Access from the Library of the Medical Center - University of Freiburg  can be found here.

Information from the University Library on Open Access can be found here.

Information from the DFG on Open Access can be found here.


The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a unique identifier for scientists. Using the ORCID, it is possible to make the authors of scientific products (publications, research data, research software, patents, etc.) uniquely identifiable across national and international, commercial and non-commercial information systems.

  • Further information (including registration) on the ORCID website can be found here.
  • You can link your ORCID to the University of Freiburg. You can find the FreiDok plus instructions here.

Research, Scientific Writing and Publishing 

Guidelines of the German Rectors' Conference on affiliation statements in publications can be found here.

Basic information on copyright from the University Medical School Library can be found here.

Current course offerings can be found here.

Predatory Journals

More information from the Library of the Medical Center - University of Freiburg can be found here.

Information on predatory journals from the University Library can be found here.



Recording and Review of Publications