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The Office of the Dean for Research of the Faculty of Medicine regularly organises general and specialised information events to answer all questions surrounding research funding at a national and European level. 

Below, you can find the latest events offered by the Office of the Dean for Research. For detailed information, please click on the name of the event you are interested in. After each event has taken place, we will make any relevant materials available for download here (e.g. PDFs of the presentation slides).


Current events





Lunchtime Seminar - Funding and more

Getting your hands on high-quality data - how research infrastructures (Core Facilities) can support you [en]



Round-table discussion

"Building a Strong Foundation: Tips and Tricks for Kickstarting Your Research Career"

Lecture Hall at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hugstetter Straße 55, 79106 Freiburg


Lunchtime Seminar - Funding and more

What is required for an application for an ethics vote and what help can I get from the Ethics Committee?



Additionally, with EQUIP (Education and Qualification for Postdocs), the Faculty of Medicine offers a programme which brings together qualification and consultation opportunities for postdocs. 


You will find other schedules of events below