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Office of the Dean for Research: Contact Persons


Central E-Mail Adresses for Inquiries

Office of the Dean for Research

Research Infrastructures

Resarch Data Management

Registration and Review of Publications

Local Staff Unit of the Network of University Medicine (NUM)


Education and Qualification for Postdocs (EQUIP)

Berta-Ottenstein-Programme for (Advanced) Clinician Scientists

Hans A. Krebs Medical Scientist Program

IMM-PACT-Programme for Clinician Scientists
IMMediate Advanced Clinician Scientist-Program



Vice Dean for Research

Prof. Dr. Carola Hunte

  • Chair of the Reseach Commission


Contact Head of the Office of the Dean for Research

Dr. Karin Werner, Head of the Office of the Dean for Research

Tel.: 0761/270-72520

  • National Collaborative Research Projects
  • Intramural Research Funding
  • Promotion of Early-Career Researchers
  • Public Relations Work


Dr. Jennifer Eßer, Deputy Head of the Office of the Dean for Research

Tel.: 0761/270-84688

  • Research Infrastructures

Stefan Hölzl, Dipl.-Verw. (FH), Administrative Support Manager

Tel.: 0761/270-72450

  • National Research Funding Programs
  • Office of the Research Commission (Foko)
  • Reporting/Performance Data of the Faculty

Nadine Haxhija-Schillinger, Team Assistance


Tel.: 0761/270-72420


Contact Research Service

Stefan Hölzl, Dipl.-Verw. (FH), Focus: National Research Funding, Research Commission

Tel.: 0761/270-72450

  • National Research Funding Programs
  • Office of the Research Commission (Foko)
  • Reporting/Performance Data of the Faculty


Dr. Maren Zinnhardt, Focus: National Research Funding


Tel.: 0761/270-72373

  • National Research Funding Programs


Dina Müller-Selb, M.A., Focus: Foundations and Prizes, Event Organisation


Tel.: 0761/270-723753

  • Office of the Foundations and Prizes
  • Research Area Management
  • Event Organisation (Research Day, Fakultaetsklausur Forschung)


Dr. Jennifer Eßer, Focus: Research Infrastructures

Tel.: 0761/270-84688

  • Research Infrastructures

Dr. Sarah Schneider, Focus: Research Data Management and Digitalisation in Research

Tel.: 0761/270-84665

  • Research Data Management
  • Digitalisation in Research

Sabrina Schmutz, M.Sc, Focus: Local staff unit in the Network of University Medicine

Sabrina Schmutz.jpg


Tel.: 0761/270-72374

  • Manager of the Local Staff Unit in the Network University Medicine (NUM)


Contact Scientific Publishing

Dr. Jasmin Kroeger, Focus: Scientific Publishing

Tel.: 0761/270-72435

Working Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-13:00

  • Registration and Review of Publications via FreiDok plus

Jia-Lin Müller, M.Sc., Focus: Scientific Publishing

Tel.: 0761/270-84692

Working Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-13:00

  • Registration and Review of Publications via FreiDok plus


Contact EU-Office

Alexander Affeldt, M.A., Focus: European and International Research Programs


Tel.: 0761/270-72250

  • Research Programs of the European Union
  • International Programmes and Transnational Call for Proposals

Dr. Sandra Straßburg, Focus: European and International Research Programs

Tel.: 0761/270-84689
  • Research Programs of the European Union
  • International Programmes and Transnational Call for Proposals


Contact Qualification and Further Training for Postdocs

Corina Schnabel, M.A., Administrative Coordinator

Tel: 0761/270-69953

  • Administrative Support of the Berta-Ottenstein-Programme for Clinician Scientists
  • Newsletter and Homepage

Dr. Irene Nagel-Jachmann, Focus: Postdocs, Clinician Scienstists

Tel.: 0761/270-72372

  • Coordination of the Berta-Ottenstein-Programme for Clinician Scientists
  • EQUIP Courses
  • Career Counseling


Dr. Amelie Jäger, Focus: Advanced Clinician Scienstists

  • Coordination of the Berta-Ottenstein-Programme for Advanced Clinician Scientists


Alessa Wilhelm, MS.M, Focus: Advanced Clinician Scienstists

Tel: 0761/270-72451
  • Coordination of the Berta-Ottenstein-Programme for Advanced Clinician Scientists

Dr. Nathalie Eisenhardt, Focus: Medical Scientists

Tel.: 0761/270-72452

  • Medical Scientist Programme
  • Event Organisation (Lectures Series „Good Experimental Design“, Round-table Discussions on Research Funding)


Dr. Susanne Kamphausen, Focus: IMM-PACT and IMMediate

Tel: 0761/270-77400


  • Coordination IMM-PACT-Programm for Clinician Scientists
  • Coordination IMMediate Advanced Clinician Scientist-Programm


Research Commission of the Faculty of Medicine

You can find further information here.