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Research Infrastructures

Research infrastructure facilities provide all faculty members with access to key technologies that are not readily available to all users due to the high complexity or high acquisition costs. At the same time, usage of large-scale equipment is facilitated to all interested parties. In this way, research infrastructure facilities help to bundle resources and to increase efficiency in research.

Scientific and technical staff within the facilities handle inquiries and offer scientific services. Specific questions regarding these services can be directed at the respective staff members listed on the individual facility websites.

The Faculty of Medicine has implemented an overarching governance structure for research infrastructures as part of the Research Infrastructure Concept. Further information on the Research Infrastructure Commission (FISKO) and the Research Infrastructure Working Group (AK-FIS) can be found here.

The Faculty of Medicine distinguishes between three categories of Facilities:

Shared Facility

A Shared Facility is operated by a group of interested researchers in one or more institutions and supported by their respective institutional head(s). The Shared Facility ensures the joint use of large-scale equipment, methods or technologies by interested researchers.



Core Facility

Core Facilities are of strategic relevance to the research site, and are consolidated and anchored in one or more institutions. A Core Facility may be operated by single institutions/ departments/ clinics/ departments or a group of professors with a common need for equipment and/or technologies and services for researchers. Core Facilities have close organisational and scientific links to its supporting institutions - an important prerequisite that enables these facilities to keep pace with dynamic developments in terms of the range of scientific methods and services.

Central Facility

A Central Facility is a strategic focus of the Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center - University of Freiburg. These service facilities have a large faculty-wide user group.


Call for Proposals for the Funding of Research Infrastructures

Currently, there is no call for applications.

The next call will be in 2025.

You can be added on a pre-notification list: E-Mail

Facilities Acknowledged by the Faculty of Medicine

An overview of research infrastructure facilities acknowledged by the Faculty of Medicine, along with links to the individual facilities for further information on the terms of use can be found here.

A list of other facilities available in Freiburg can be found here.



Administrative Division of Dean for Research of the Medical Faculty

PD Dr. Jennifer Eßer
Administrative Division for Research Infrastructures
Breisacher Straße 153
79110 Freiburg
Tel:  +49 761/270-84688

Fax: +49 761/270-84670