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Research Funding via the Research Commission


What is funded?

Funding is primarily provided for projects which may in the foreseeable future be transferred to external third-party funding (in particular by the German Research Foundation, DFG). Funding is typically provided for 6 months, in exceptional cases longer. The Research Commission supports research projects in particular by providing funding for staffing, equipment and consumables.
The funds which the Commission grants for staffing are maximum rates (based on the Wage Agreement for Public Service of the States, TV-L). Claims in excess of these rates must be met by the department’s research and teaching budget if necessary (e.g. promotion to the next salary grade, temporary allowance in the event of unemployment, payouts for unused holiday, etc.).


Who can apply?

Scientists from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Freiburg may apply. Medical students may not apply.



You can finde the information here.


Application and related forms

The administrative office of the Research Commission is part of the Office of the Dean for Research of the Faculty of Medicine. All applications and questions regarding funding by the Commission should always be directed to the Office of the Dean for Research and not to individual members of the Commission.
Please note the submission deadlines, the content of the information sheets and please use the application forms.


About us — members of the Research Commission

The Research Commission at the Faculty of Medicine was established by the Faculty’s executive board. It comprises nine voting members from the group of professors at the Faculty of Medicine. The Vice Dean of Research chairs the Commission ex officio. Other advisory members are the Dean and the Head of the Office of the Dean for Research. The Research Commission meets four times per year. The Commission’s rules of procedure can be found here (in German only).

The members of the Research Commission you can find here.